Dost, the four-day weekend was too good. Thanks to Thanksgiving Day! Waking up on a Monday after a longgg weekend sucks!!! Anyhow, let me recap a bit and ponder upon my relaxation days. Ahh, the weekend was filled with too many nitty gritty things happening here ‘n’ there. As you all must know that Thursday was the Thanksgiving Day for all Amerikan’s! For the first time our family decided to throw a potluck and enjoy another get-together on the T Day. It was a pleasant evening filled with rations everywhere. The whole family successfully showcased their culinary skills. Needless to say, every entrĂ©e was delectable and savory.
While gazing at those countless ‘happy T-day’ wishes on Facebook, one of them grabbed my attention. It had something to do with North Korea documentary. Instantly I browsed through Google and luckily found the documentary. As I started watching, I got extremely antagonized at how people are obligated to hail at the ‘The Great Leader’ of their country. The citizens have no life, no future, that country is a complete hell. Infact, if hell does exist then it is North Korea. A picture taken from the space clearly shows no signs of electricity except for a small [probably a lamp] lighting the capital Pyongyang and the residence of the great leader, Kim Yong-il. This country has no economy, no faith and zero belief. From birth countrymen are obligated to serve the army. One of the most popular diseases is Cataract. There are no hospital facilities to cure people and very minimal equipments which are afforded only by rich people. By rich, I’m referring to the people living in Pyongyang and probably working very closely with the great leader. No outside books are available to read. From childhood, everyone is taught to obey and salute the great leader. Humanity word doesn't exist in this country. Only the capital has wide roads but no signs of any cars. It’s only used by the leader himself. A common man cannot even travel from one city to another. There are several prison camps for the residents who dare to disobey the leader. Entire families get exploited for chemical testing in special gas chambers. No one is allowed to keep any outside contact and even the radios and television are controlled by the government.
North and South Korea are divided by a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) which has electric wires all across the line. People have actually tried to escape North Korea and in return either faced death or imprisonment and torture for the rest of their life. Few people who were successful have horrific stories to share. No sign of freedom, no food, no economy, no outside contact, no internet; the entire country runs by one dictator. Period. The documentary showed how the residents would get drastically emotional while conversing about their great leader. One could clearly make out the fear and terror of Kim Yong-il in their eyes. He rules and controls...end of story!
Highly recommended and a must watch – Inside North Korea Documentary!
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Thanks for the informations